Party of the year: Make Teddy French Again
Customer : Magic Garden
Date : : january 2017
Category : Social MICE, Uncatecorized
In early 2017, Magic Garden, a well established communication and advertising agency in Paris, launched a great contest around their activity: MyPartyOfTheYear. This concept consists to create an original evening brief, crazy or atypical. At the end of the contest, the most beautiful challenge take on by the Magic Garden team was realized.
Among the 193 projects, the #MakeTeddyFrenchAgain project got the favor of the jury and was able to see the achievement of their idea. The evening bring out the come back of an expatriate and his reintegration to local customs.
Magic Garden have asked to OuiBeat to animate and digitalize this party. We’ve set up a totally customized e-kiosk, a user-friendly tool that brought all the guests around more crazy photos than the others.
Used as a support, the Social Walls pass the pictures of the evening on a closed network. Also, the Ouibeat’ Social Walls allow the communication agency to encourage guests to tweet and posts on social network, curate the most beautiful contents and display them instantly on their website as well as on screens at the event.