ŠKODA and the Incredibles
Photo filters and lead capture.

Highlight the super powers of
Incredibles in a vehicle

Customer: Hopscotch Agency

Date: November 2018

Category: Picture Marketing, Uncategorized

On the occasion of Kid Expo, the largest family event of the year in France, OuiBeat has given superpowers to thousands of families in the latest ŠKODA Fabia.

The device:

OuiBeat delivered a bespoke photo device fully integrated into
the interior of the new ŠKODA Fabia. The device was equipped with an iPad Pro and a filter application based on facial recognition. This device was innovative and fun to adapt to the family target of the event.

For 5 days, families were able to discover the ŠKODA and Disney partnership while taking photos, GIFs and boomerangs which automatically placed masks of Indestructibles on their faces.

User Generated Content
UGC Marketing Skoda

Families had the opportunity to choose animated photo frames to energize the experience. They could also personalize their content using the facial recognition offered by the application. This technology allowed them to apply a dense mask of the Incredibles to their faces. The photos were emailed directly and printed on a booth kiosk outside the vehicle.

Leads Capture

Beyond the experience, this activation has above all enabled the brand tocollect and qualify more than 1,000 contacts to integrate them into a personalized CRM / PRM dialogue plan with product offers.

UGC Marketing

Over 550 customers arealready creating experiences
authentic marketing