Display user generated
content in real time

OuiBeat boosts engagement, loyalty
et and profitability by making
your audiences
content visible at every point of contact.

The Social Wall platform is designed to highlight the communication of your UGC (User Generated Content).It can also broadcast your influencers information as well as all company info contents, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, and other videos, advertising and images.

Social networks are the primary means to access businesses and individuals information. Your favorite social networks collect a lot of content from your company and brands. This is why
OuiBeat SocialWall is the perfect way to broadcast them and create commitment.

Your targets create your content. Why not highlight it?
Our SocialWall rewards the efforts of your entire company.

Our platform allows you to choose from the following three social wall : Social ALLSocial MICESocial WEB
and our team is by your side to make you benefit from its full potential.

Find out how our social wall platform works to create and manage yours with your fingertips

It’s never been easier to get your audiences to interact

Your community’s engagement
with ease.

collecter les posts des réseaux sociaux depuis la plateforme
modérer le contenu remonté des réseaux sociaux
personnaliser votre social wall
diffuser le contenu du social wall, images vidéo quel que soit le format, la plateforme vous permet de l'administrer à distance
analyser les statistiques de votre social wall depuis la plateforme
engager votre audience, vos clients et employés à poster sur les réseaux sociaux

Identify the social networks and hashtags to activate

Collect and manage the most engaging community content. Choose your social networks. Filter your content generated by network, hashtag, keywords, date and more. Change in real time based on trends. Add your branded content.

Control your content wherever you are

The platform responsive
OuiBeat offers a very simple moderation on computer as on mobile
From the platform, check the content posted on your social wall.
Block unwanted content while putting
forward your best contributors and influencers.

Customize content and display according to your goals

Create attractive content, distribute your User Generated Content (UGC) associated with your commercial offers

Share your best moments
and promote the creation of UGC

Hashtag, Text, Photo, Video, Story, …
Post all your types of content to promote your UGC.
No display limit:
with the social wall platform you manage one or more screens remotely;
responsive design, you spread across your entire screen fleet.
Spread the Social Wall via players compatible with our app
BrightSign HD and XD, Google ChromeBox Asus Chrombit Mac Mini and Navori QL

afficher un social wall sur un mur d'écrans
diffusion d'un social wall sur une television
diffusion d'un social wall sur une tablette, un Ipad et depuis la plateforme gerez le 24h/24
affichage d'un social wall sur un ordinateur
consulter un social wall sur son smartphone et effectuer la modération sur la plateforme depuis ce device
soyez créatif et diffusez votre social wall où vous voulez comme une piscine une montgolfière
Your creativity

Measure and analyze ROI

Our powerful analysis tool allows you to view live statistics from your social wall,
the highlights of your activation and identify
your influencers generating the most interactions. With your reporting, recover the content generated by simple download.

Create the most beautiful of the social wall

Choose from our pre-configured themes
or let’s make your tailor-made Social Wall together.

More than 550 customers are
already creating experiences
authentic marketing