Activate and amplify the power of social media with OuiBeat Social Wall

The best stories are told by your audiences

European leader in social wall since 2013 OuiBeat believes in the power of social media to offer more personal experiences and wider scope. Our Social Walls gather on the same screen messages naming your brand, hashtags posted on social media and the content of your corporate accounts.

The presence of a OuiBeat Social Wall increases the participation of your audience which creates buzz beyond your event participants, multiplies your target audience in the activation of your brand. Our SocialWall thus creates a link to enrich your community that shares their emotions.

OuiBeat allows you to exploit the full potential of your content.

What is our mission? OuiBeat works with brands and agencies. We offer the most advanced Social Walls on the market, combined with an experienced technical team to respond wisely and quickly to your communication needs.  No matter your social wall location and duration, a solution exists and we are at your side to carry out all your projects.

A dedicated team accompanies you from the creation to the diffusion of your Social Wall. OuiBeat designs tailor-made SocialWall. Contact Us

OuiBeat works with major brands and agencies that have decided to place
their community at the centre of their strategy.

a social wall for every need

Broadcast your most influential community and branded content to increase engagement and conversion.   Opportunities to communicate with your audiences are multiple and distinct. OuiBeat  offers several models of interactive walls adapted to your needs: tradeshows, exhibition, conference, convention,

headquarters hall, product launch, inauguration, award ceremony, corporate party, fundraising, festival, concert, showcase, fashion show, …


Social Wall affichage sur la piscine Molitor Paris
Social Wall OuiBeat

Event Provider

Our activity in the event industry goes beyond Social Wall. We design and build a wide range of apps to ensure the success

of your upcoming events: lead capture, registrations, check in, product presentation, planning, test drives, roadbook, quiz, satisfaction survey for your next trade show, product launch, exhibition, point of sale demo, …

Needless to add our team provides advice, support and on-site assistance.

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A few case studies

More than 550 clients
are already creating authentic marketing experiences.